Last Updated on June 28, 2022
It is better to spray paint your furniture than using paint traditionally with a brush. This is especially if you want to save time while getting quality work. It is possible to complete the spraying of your furniture within 10 minutes, even when you are not an expert.
An expert using a brush, will, however, require more time since he will be using brush strokes to do multiple coats. Here are simple steps to follow to spray paint your furniture perfectly.
Stocking up
First, you need to stock up on everything you need. Stocking up will mean having a list of what you need and getting them from the market, except for those you already have.
Depending on the type of furniture you want to paint, you will need a sealer, spray paint, primer, sandpaper, and mask. You should buy high-quality paint for the best results. You should also consider the option you want to use for your finish. It is recommended to opt for gloss or satin finishes for the best results.
Cleaning and prepping
Make sure the piece of furniture to be painted is clean and it does not have loose cracks or pieces. Repair any issues with the structure including tightening any loose screws. Use sandpaper to sand your furniture thoroughly. After proper sanding, use a damp cloth to wipe the furniture to remove dust.
1. Sanding:
Needless to say that you will find many tutorials online and offline, saying that you don’t have to sand or you don’t need to sand. In addition to that, there are also primers and paints that advertise that you don’t need to sand.
In spite of these tutorials and advertisements, what we have learned from our research is that for any painting job sanding is a must. You can start sanding your project surface with 150-grit sandpaper and if you need you may go for 180-grit sandpaper.
2. Cleaning any Residue:
After finishing the sanding on your project surface, use a tack cloth to remove the residue on the surface. We recommend not using any paper towels as well as not thinking about whether you should use a lint-free cloth. From our experience, we recommend you just use tack cloth!
Look for a location that is well ventilated and you will have enough space to spray, without getting paint on other household items. You should always wear a mask as well.
The best option for space will be outdoors, with the best weather being when the weather is not too hot or too cold. There should also not be the wind that can get dust particles on your furniture or blow away your paint.
The next step is to prime your furniture. Priming is a very vital part of painting your furniture and it could save you from a bad painting experience if you did not sand the furniture properly.
It is vital for aiding the paint to stick as well as ensuring even coverage. There are many types of spray paint primer available, such as those for tinted options and great for projects where red, black or other dark colors are to be used.
Use even long strokes to cover the furniture with primer. If there are areas that you noticed are not covered, do not spray paint such areas. This is to avoid a situation where your paint drips. After the drying of the first coat, add a touch-up or another coat if it is necessary.
You can then carry out another sanding session so that any available inconsistencies or bubbles, as a result of the priming, are removed. Do not start to spray until you are sure that your primer is completely dry.
Once you are through with your priming and it is dry, then you are ready to paint. Spray your paint by utilizing long even strokes. Use the right distance between the sprayer and the furniture, so that you do not get built-up paint marks such as rings.
Just like when you were priming, don’t try to spray paint with the aim of using a single coat. Having a second coat is always better and preferable. Spraying with the aim of just a single coat will lead to the dripping of the paint and additional work of sanding it off later.
There is some part of the furniture you need to pay more attention to, such as the ornate details, arms, legs, and corners. There is a higher risk of getting drips in these areas.
A major advantage you will get from using spray paint as opposed to traditional painting is that within 10 minutes your first coat should be dry enough for a second coat. You will thus, be able to complete your job more quickly.
If you are painting with a darker color, you might need more coats compared to lighter colors. Allow each coat to dry after which you can decide if you will need another coat or not.
Even though not every type of furniture requires to be sealed, you will need to seal the painting if the furniture is frequently used. An example of frequently used furniture is a table in the dining room.
Using a polyacrylic coat on the table will make it possible for the furniture to continue to look new for a longer time. You can, however, seal any other furniture you are painting including coffee tables, armchairs, and desktops, as it’s just only an extra step.
Spray painting for the first time or as a hobby could be fun. You do not have to panic if you notice bubbling or dripping on the furniture. Just sand it off and your painting will be fine, except for the extra work and time.
If after you have carried out sanding and priming, you find out that the paint is not sticking to the furniture, which is very unlikely, then you might need to add another primer coat and sand before you add paint again.

I am extremely happy to share with you my experience throughout SprayerBoss. As a painter, I like to experiment with new sprayers from different brands. Since my first painting, I love to learn new things every time I doing a painting project for my own or clients. I have painted fences, walls, furniture, cabinets, cars, etc. but painting furniture is more challenging to me. Hope you will get the easiest way I found myself to overcome the difficulties towards a better finish. My hunger is to find the best paint sprayer that took less effort but budgets friendly.